I'm a motivated Frontend Developer with a passion for learning new skills and bringing ideas to life. Here's a bit more about me.
I'm a passionate and motivated Frontend Developer that is dedicated
to developing quality, visually appealing, and high-performance web
applications. I currently possess knowledge on modern technologies
such as TypeScript, NextJS, TailwindCSS, and more.
I'm always open to collaborating with others and solving complex
challenges to bring ideas to life. Whether that includes enhances
UI/UX, optimizing preformance, or integrating APIs. Let's work
Movie Flix is a fully functional, responsive website that allows users to search for any movie, series, or episode at their will. Data is fetched from OMDB API to dynamically display the film information based on the film id. Users can also filter their search by Movie, Series, or Episode.
This Apple website clone is a visually stunning, and fully responsive applications where users can interact with 3D iPhone models including changing their color and size. The application also includes scroll animations, and a video carousel component that users can pause and replay.
This Nike website clone is a fully responsive application that allows users to manipulate the shoe model on the landing page. This website includes using TailwindCSS, React + Vite, JavaScript, and HTML best practices to create a visually appealing landing page.